East Finchley Methodist Church

Post-It WesleysWesley's Coffee Bar

Wesley's Coffee Bar is provides a space for people to meet and enjoy a chat. We serve a wide range coffee, tea, cold drinks and delicious cakes at reasonable prices. Our customers range from small babies with parents or carers, enjoying the play space, to the senior set, enjoying the regular get together. The mix of ages gives the place a buzz.

We have customers who are pleased to see that the church is open and come in glad to have a place where people will chat to them. Our minister, Revd. Martin Wellings often comes to visit and takes the opportunity to talk with our customers.

Wesley's Coffee Bar
9.30 - 11.30 am

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Last modified: 27 September 2023

  • 197 High Road
  • East Finchley
  • London
  • N2 8AJ

020 8444 2016
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