East Finchley Methodist Church

1947 - EFM Jubilee

(The following is an extract from the booklet produced in 1947 for the Jubilee.)



Society Stewards                               Mr. G. W. A. Nevols
                                                        Mr. A. T. Marsh
                                                        Mr. G. Ardley
                                                        Mr. S. T. Lawrence (Treasurer)

Poor Stewards                                   Miss E. Wakefield
                                                        Mr. J. Gregory
                                                        Mr. W. Tinkler
                                                        Mr. A. G. Bunnage

Church Stewards                                Mr. A. J. Jackson
                                                        Mr. H. W. Monks

Trustees Treasurer                             Mr. J. H. Taylor
Trustees Secretary                             Mr. C. J. Lockyer
Envelope System Secretary                 Mr. A. Holt

Organist and Choirmaster                    Mr. W. J. Palk, M.C.
Organist Emeritus                               Mr. H. W. Monk, A.Mus. T.C.L.

Junior Church Leaders                         Miss M. Jones
                                                         Mr. J. Savage

Guild Secretary                                    Mr. F. T. Peck
Overseas Missions Secretaries               Miss M. Thorn
                                                          Miss M. Andrew (W/W)
                                                          Mr. K. Freeston (J.M.A.)
Temperance Secretary                          Miss M. Cox
Church Keeper                                     Mr. H. Down



Sunday             11 a.m.                        Morning Worship
                        3 p.m.                         Sunday School
                        6.30 p.m.                     Evening Service
              (Followed by a Social Hour once a month during the winter months.)
Monday              6-7.30 p.m.                 Brownies
Tuesday             2.45-4 p.m.                 Sisterhood
                        6.30-8 p.m.                  Guides
                        8-9 p.m.                       Minister's Bible Study Class
Wednesday         3-4.30 p.m.                 Women's Fellowship
                        7-8 p.m.                       Modern Boys' Club
Thursday            6.30-8 p.m.                 Wolf Cubs
                        8 -10 p.m.                    Rovers
                        8-9.15 p.m.                  Wesley Club
Friday                6.30-9.30 p.m.             Junior Church
                        8-9.15 p.m.                   Choir Practice
Saturday            8-9 p.m.                      Prayer Meeting



When in 1897 we people called Methodists moved from King Street to the new Church in the High Road, we left behind a flourishing Sunday School, filled to capacity every Sunday with young people of all ages — from little tots of three to young men and women of eighteen to twenty-five. There was a loyal and enthusias­tic band of teachers and officers, whose love and  devotion to the School contributed so largely to its great success, and made it so attractive and inspiring to the young people. Among them were members of the families of Freeman, Joyce, Miller, Simpson, Stubbs and Allenby - all pioneers of Methodism in East Finchley.

Being so far away from the new Church many difficulties arose; the morning school had to be over by 10.45; to allow the staff time to get to the 11.00 Church Service. Except for the Sunday School Anniversary, the School seemed to be quite apart from the Church, and after a time the officials of the Church and School felt this state of affairs should be remedied. The children seemed very shy of the new Church, so meetings were called which resulted in a proposal to build a new school on the ground at the rear of the Church (then used as a tennis court). A gift service was held and the Church was packed with enthusiastic people who spontaneously announced what they would give to the new venture. It was amazing how generous they all were. Bazaars, concerts, etc., were held, and in 1908 the new building was ready for use; the Church was once again united with her children. The Sunday evening chapel service at King Street was continued for a considerable time afterwards and ably conducted by Messrs. Annetts, Brown, Griffiths and Webb.

Mr. Geo. Stubbs, was the General Superintendent when the Sunday School moved from King Street to the new Church. It was a sad day when few years later he left us and East Finchley. His successor was Mr. Harry Barker, to whom the Sunday School and Church owe so very much. He proved an expert, and the school flourished under his wise and kindly leadership through the years — including the first Great War and lasting almost to the outbreak of the Second World War.

During the Ministry of Rev. R. D. Moore (1919-1922), whose great interest in the Sunday School will always be remembered, the Annexe was built — then called "The Hut." Primarily intended for the extension of young people's work the Hut provided the opportunity of making the Sunday School a graded school, its part being the home of the Senior School.

Mr. J. B. Famell was the leader of this section of the school, and its great success was largely due to his personality and leadership. His addresses always gave sound advice to the large numbers of young men and women who attended. It would be very ungracious not to record here the very valuable services of love and devotion rendered by Mrs. Thorpe, Mrs. Watford, Mr. S. E. Thomas and Mr. Harry Gregory during this happy and successful period of the department's long career.

The other departments were the Intermediate, Junior, Primary and Beginners. Mr. Watford was the leader of the Intermediate; what a great lover of children — his work among them for so many years will long be remembered. He was succeeded by Mr. H. Price, also working with a great affection for the School and carrying on the tradition of love and service.

The Junior Department was led at first by Miss E. Franklin, whom the writer, for one, has not forgotten. The Primary leader for many years was Miss F. Griffiths—one of a family who gave unstinted help and service to the young people — and Miss E. Baxter was and still is the pianist. Then last, but by no means least — the Beginners, the cradle of our Sunday School—under the capable hands of Mrs. Harvey who always loved and enjoyed her work among the little tots.

Over the period of this history of the Sunday School, the administrative work has been very ably carried out by a succession of fine Secretaries — Messrs. Miller, Crellin, Drake, Long, Eastman, Iddenden, Glasspool, Bell and Miss D. Annetts.

For some time prior to the last World War the school was led by Mr. Jebson, and special praise and thanks are due to him for the great combining work he did during a difficult period. It was a great loss to us when he was "evacuated" to Harrogate.

Before concluding this brief account of the work of the school, it is desired to record the great love and devotion of so many whose names cannot be mentioned, some indeed who would not wish them to be, but who through the years have given freely of their best gifts to the young folk; may their reward be to know that their eager young scholars can never forget in later years their happy Sunday School days but will always treasure memories of the devotion, kindness and inspiration so richly demonstrated by these lovers of little children. The message of God so widely spread by our Sunday School teachers in the past is of even more vital importance today, but under changed circumstances, the challenge is being taken up by the present staff who are working enthusiastically with modern methods, but still with the same central theme at heart—to lead young people to a way of life which, if followed, will be to the lasting benefit of themselves and the world in which they live. We thank God for them and for what they are doing, and in our Heavenly Father's name wish them the sure success they deserve.

The present officers of the East Finchley Methodist Sunday School are as follows : —
General Superintendent         Mr. R. Davey
General Secretary                Mr. T. Matthews
Senior School Leader            Miss Nellie Payne
Junior School Leader             Mr. R. Davey
Primary School Leader           Mr. N. Burgess
Beginners School Leader        Mrs. G. Whickman



The inaugural meeting of the Parents, Old Teachers and Scholars Association was held on the 2Oth October, 1946, when a Committee was appointed to plan the future activities of the Association. This gathering was a very successful one and many old friends met once again with obvious pleasure.

As a means of keeping in touch with past members and friends of the Sunday School, we wish P.O.T.S. every success. Particulars of the Association may be obtained from the Secretary—Miss D. Annetts, Hope Villa, King Street, N.2.


The seed of the Junior Church was sown in East Finchley by the Rev. A. ]. Raymont during his Ministry among us. For many months he worked hard gathering together ideas from young and old, from his visits to various religious societies and from many other sources. During these months the seed began to take root. Ways and Childrens Cornermeans were found and permission granted for the alterations to that part of the Church now known as the Junior Church Corner.

One Sunday in February, 1938, that seed had so grown that the Corner was unveiled by the President of the Conference, Rev. Dr. Robert Bond. It did our hearts good to see one side of our Church so beautifully devoted to God's children, and pew behind pew filled with happy, eager girls and boys clamouring to know more about the Jesus Christ who had instilled this idea of a Church especially for them into the hearts of their elders.

The Junior Church grew. Children were once again joining in worship with their elders for at least a short time in Church on a Sunday morning. Vital ? Why of course. The majority of those children would never have been guided into Mother Church from the Sunday School but for the link of the Junior Church.

For two years the Junior Church grew and bore fruit, and bore it abundantly. But alas! Then came the war. Air raids, evacuations — bravely those workers left at home carried on. Gradually however, towards the end of the war the children returned, and the Junior Church began to grow again. We pay our tribute to those who gathered the inspiration from the founder, and fostered it, and carried on his great work in leading the children in the Pathways of Jesus Christ. From the first leaders Misses J. Carter and G Down (now Mrs Wickman) and Richard Keen (now Rev. R. Keen) to the present leader Miss Myra Jones, who with Mr. J. Savage is doing such magnificent work nor do we forget the labours of past leaders Mr. R. Davey 1939-44 and Miss H. Barker (now Mrs H. Ball) 1944-45.

And so we must leave the Junior Church — only on paper though — very young compared with her parent Church, but we hope and pray that she too will one day be celebrating her 50 glorious years of life.


The 2nd East Finchley Girl Guide Company was formed in November, 1920, by Rev. R. D. Moore, a Minister who did much for the Young People of our Church. It was at his instigation that the Hut ( now the Annexe) was built, and this has helped so much in Guide work. The first Guide Captain was Miss E. Wakefield and the first Brown Owl was Miss M. Andrew. The Guides have carried on throughout the years with only one break — 1943 to 1945, and have been of great service to the church and its young girls.

From small beginnings in the early days with a one day's camp at Vivers Farm, East End Road, successful camps have been held at Pevensey, Little Holland, Herne Bay, Maidencombe, and Hassocks; and in later years Dunsford (with the 2nd Finchley), Hythe (with the 7th Finchley and 12 children from the King's Cross Mission).Guides 1924

In 1923 the Rangers were started with Miss E. Wakefield who was later succeeded by Miss M. Andrew as Captain.

Over the years the activities of the Guides and Brownies have been most versatile — taking parcels to the poor at Christmas, Carol singing in the wards of Finchley Memorial Hospital o Christmas Morning, netball, the annual sports meeting, assisting at Church Bazaars, etc. From 1923-26 an Armenian baby was adopted through the Armenian Relief Fund. During the last war making blankets for A.R.P. purposes, collecting and delivering parcels for evacuees, digging for Victory on an allotment were among the jobs undertaken.

In April, 1945 the Guides meetings were re-commenced with 12 girls; this number has now risen to 23. In July, 1945 the 25th anniversary of the formation of the 2nd East Finchley Girl Guide Company was celebrated and 80 past and present members enjoyed the fellowship of a very happy Guide evening.

We are now very pleased to be able to report that both the Guides and the Brownies are in full swing, and it was a great joy to have their Annual Concert once again in 1946.

Thanks are due to the officers throughout the years — Misses E. Wakefield, M. B. Andrew, B. Jackson, L. Phillips, P. Carter, R. Sheppard, E. Phillips, L. Pitman, G. Pullinger and Mrs D Bell (Miss I Jones) who has just retired after 25 years service with the Brownies. To the present leaders — Mrs F. Peck (Guides) and Miss K. Harvey (Brownies) we wish every joy and success in the coming days. We are very proud of our girls in brown and blue — may they go on from strength to strength.


It was in the year 1923 when the Rev. R. D. Moore was Minister at our Church that the Scout Troop and Wolf Cub Pack was formed. Among those first connected with the troop were Mr. Waterfall, Mr. Marland and Miss Dora Griffiths. As the movement progressed so changes in the officers took place and for some time Mr. H. Bone and Miss Dora Griffiths were Cubmaster and Assistant, while Charles Griffiths, Harold Gregory and Arthur Casburn became the officers of the Scout Troop.

The success of the venture led Mr. Moore in 1922 to suggest the formation of a Rover Crew for those over 18 and Mr. Harold Gregory was appointed the first Rover Mate, Mr. Harry Gregory taking his place as Assistant Scoutmaster.

Many are the happy memories of days spent under canvas, firstly at Pevensey Bay and then Margate, Dawlish, Barmouth, Herne Bay, not forgetting of course the spot at good old Totteridge.

The first meetings of the troop were held in the large school hall, but by now the Hut had been built and added to the success of the youth activities.

As time went on Mr. Griffiths and Mr. Bone found it necessary to resign and they were succeeded by Mr. Harold Gregory as Scout­master and Mr. Harry Price as Cubmaster, who was later succeeded by Mr. Dudley Japes. The advent of the sweet young ladies at the church however, influenced the young men, who now began to seek their fortunes and aspire to the married state, and further changes in the leaders became nesessary. Mr Harry Price became Scoutmaster with Mr. A. J. Jackman and Mr. Stanley Farnell as Assistants. Mrs Potter became Cub Mistress with Mr. Alec N'evols as Assistant. Marriage was responsible for another change around —after a time Mr. Harry Price becoming Group Scoutmaster, Mr. A. Jackson, Scoutmaster, with Mr. Leonard Farnell and Mr. Reg Japes as Assistants.

The Rover Crew carried on during all this tune, having a football team in which we remember Messrs. E. and H. Bell, S. Sheppard, J. Nevols, R. and D. Japes, B. Griffiths, etc.

After a valuable piece of work at a difficult time Mrs. Potter left the Pack and Mr. Alec Nevols became Cubmaster with Miss P. Harris as assistant. At this time there were 40 boys in the cubs, and many happy evenings and excursions were held; with tracking and other cub ventures on Saturdays. An annual concert was always held which provided the troop with funds and the boys assisted at other Church functions — for instance, sleeping in the School Hall guarding the Bazaar " val­uables"! We remember at Birchington many a Scout gaining his cooking badge, in continual torrential rain. Members at this time included Dick Keen, Harry Batson, Arthur Notini, Dick Ranson, Don Harris and Ron Loveland — the only member of the troop ever to win the Green Cords for proficiency. In 1933 Mr. A. Jackson retired and was followed by Mr. Leonard Farnell who was succeeded two years later by Mr. Harry Batson who carried on until the outbreak of war in 1939. Miss P. Harris succeeded Mr. Alec Nevols as Cub Mistress, and was later followed by Mr. Arthur Notini.

During the war it was necessary to close both the Scouts and the Cubs, but it was a happy day in 1945 when Miss P. West brought the first of the new Cub Pack to Parade Service. The old green and yellow scarf was about again!

We are very grateful to Miss West for her efforts in reforming the pack. Mr. Arthur Notini, having returned from the Forces, is now Cubmaster again. He has such great love the job that he travels weekly from Cheam to do this grand work, and we wish him every success. We hope we shall soon see the Scouts and the Rovers again in our Church.

The Scouts and Cubs, despite so many officer changes, have been a successful part of our Youth work, and there are many today who remember with joy the days in the 16th Finchley. May they once again be the force they once were.


During the Second World War and pending the early recommencement of the Scout Troop, this Boy's Club was formed for the benefit of the boys of the Sunday School and others between the ages of 11 and 16 years. The Rev. R. Glanville, together with several men of the Church, opened the club in September, 1943. The object was to provide social amenities with a religious background. The membership grew rapidly, and the boys themselves adopted the title by which the club is now known.

The supervision of meetings is carried on by a rota of men all keenly interested in our boys and at the present Mr. A. J. Jackson is the leader and secretary.

The atmosphere of the Club is good and healthy and instructive contact is made with the boys as regards their attitude to the Christian way of life. The Church today welcomes these lusty youngsters and wishes it good fortune in the days ahead.


The East Finchley Methodists have always taken a keen interest in the National Children's Home and Orphanage and in 1926 a branch of the Young Leagues' Union — "Friends of the Children's Home," was reformed among the young people in our church. For many years the branch was under the active leadership of Mrs G. Price — then Miss G. Watford.

Money raising efforts for the Home were many and varied but Y.L.U. concerts, often with some performers well under five years old, always guaranteed to pack the school hall and provide a considerable profit for N.C.H.O.

For several years the branch contributed considerably more than £35 per annum which amount enabled them to "adopt" a child at the Home — first "Phyllis" and later "Chris" came under their special care in this way.

For many years annual house to house and street collections have also been in East Finchley by keen young workers, and we now have a loyal band of League of Light members who promise to contribute at least 10s. 6d. each per annum to the Home.

This has indeed been a Christian service which we hope will continue at East Finchley so long as the need exist to help those of God's children less fortunate than ourselves.


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